Coop for sale in Nyack Edit Search Criteria Receive free search updatesListing 1 of 4 - #H6335927Nyack103 Gedney Street # 1KListing DetailsPhoto 1 / 282 bedrooms, 1 bathCoop for SaleOffered at $399,000Request ShowingListing 2 of 4 - #814314Nyack2 Salisbury Point # 5EListing DetailsPhoto 1 / 332 bedrooms, 2 bathCoop for SaleOffered at $375,000Request ShowingListing 3 of 4 - #808992Nyack2 Salisbury Point # 1DListing DetailsPhoto 1 / 251 bedroom, 1 bathCoop for SaleOffered at $357,500Request ShowingListing 4 of 4 - #H6320166Nyack38 Fourth Avenue # 2AListing DetailsPhoto 1 / 101 bedroom, 1 bathCoop for SaleOffered at $228,500Request Showing Edit Search Criteria Receive free search updatesPage: 1